Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012
Android Game : Download Melo's Magic - Castle Defense v1.1 APK

Melo's Magic is a new 3D game from indie developer in style like Tower Defense. But here you play as a mage named Melo. Your purpose is to defend the castle and not let the monsters break down gate. Melo has a unique set of spells that need to be combined to achieve the best effect.
Android Game : Download Granny Smith v1.0.0 APK

Granny Smith loves her apples, but a bewheeled thief is stealing from her precious garden! Help Mrs. Smith as she swiftly skates through farmland and cityscapes, crashing through everything from barns to offices in the pursuit of fruit. Get to the apples before the thief does!
Android Game : Download Lucky v1.0 APK

As a hotshot hedge fund manager, William had it all. He was smart, handsome and wealthy; he never once questioned his success or place in the world. After a one-night stand, he is forced to face the truth about himself. Did he earn what he had or was just luck?
Android Game : Download Horn™ v0.9.4 APK

HORN is a 3rd person action adventure game - a completely unique experience where anyone can fully explore and enjoy a beautiful and engaging console-style world, all controllable by touch gestures.
Android Game : Download Trainz Driver v1.0.2 APK

The #1 Ranked "Trainz Simulator" app has now been customized for Phones. Trainz Driver really delivers the goods!
Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012
Info : Daftar Nama PTN / Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Di Indonesia - Universitas, Institut, Politeknik, Sekolah Tinggi
Berikut di bawah ini adalah list atau daftar perguruan tinggi negri / PTN yang ada di Indonesia beserta lokasi di mana perguruan tinggi itu berada, baik berupa universitas, institut, politeknik maupun sekolah tinggi :
Game PC : Download Damage Inc Pacific Squadron WWII -SKIDROW -PC
Eng Title: Damage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII
Developer: Trickstar Games
Publisher: Mad Catz
Genre: STG/ACT Game
Platform: PC
Size: 3.40GB
Format: DVDx1
Region : Region free
Lang : Multi5(English/German/French/Italian/Spanish)
Realease Date: Aug.28.2012
Homepage: http://damageincthegame.com/shop/order
Android Apps : Download Splashtop Remote Desktop v1.6.6.3 APK

This is the ONLY remote desktop app that streams the whole PC or Mac screen to your Android smartphone with smooth, high-res video and audio, allowing you to interact with your all applications, games, multimedia content, and files over Wi-Fi and 3G/4G networks.
Android Apps : Download Enhanced Email v1.13.4 APK

Enhanced Email is a fully featured but lightweight fast E-Mail client offering support for multiple Exchange/POP/IMAP accounts all in one single app. It integrates with your existing native Contacts & Calendar apps rather than tacking on bloatware.
Android Apps : Download OfficeSuite Pro 6 + (PDF & HD) v6.1.885 APK

Create, view, edit, print and share Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files and attachments and view PDF files on your Android based phone with a single complete feature-rich mobile office solution. Now also on Android Honeycomb.
Android Apps : Download PrinterShare Mobile Print Premium v7.7.0 APK

Wirelessly print documents (MS Office: Word, Excel, Powerpoint; PDF and text files) from device memory, SD card and even from Google Docs!
Android Apps : Download Tablet Talk v1.5.1 APK

Tablet Talk is THE comprehensive SMS app for tablets. Send and receive text messages on your tablet using your mobile number--just as you do on your phone! Tablet Talk integrates nearly every feature from your phone’s SMS app, while also providing other useful functions such as Caller ID and quick reply popups. It is a “must have” app for a complete tablet experience.
Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012
Android Game : Download Lexios - 3D Action Battle Game v1.04 APK

Lexios is an action game featuring warrior's battle against vicious enemies in virtual medieval period.
Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012
Adroid Apps : Cara Menambah Ringtone Pada Android

Bagaimana cara menambahkan ringtone untuk telpon atau SMS di android? Tidak susah sebenarnya jika anda ingin menambahkan ringtone pada handphone atau gadget android anda..
Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012
Android Game : Download The Dark Knight Rises v1.1.1 APK
The epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy arrives on Android in the exclusive video game inspired by the movie.
Android Game : Download Punch Hero v1.0.1 APK

Come swing your fists in this all-immersive mobile boxing game. Hone your jabs, hooks and uppercuts at the Training Center while accumulating special skills and power moves in the Skill Store. Presented in hilarious 3D, Punch Hero is addictive as it is challenging.
Senin, 13 Agustus 2012
Produk : Kami Menjual Propolis Obat Alami Dari Lebah
Di website ini Anda akan menemukan solusi aman dan ekonomis bagi permasalahan kesehatan Anda. Kami akan jelaskan segala seluk beluk tentang Propolis dan kegunaannya buat kesehatan dan juga bisnis propolisyang akan meledakkan penghasilan Anda!!
Android Apps : Download Talking Battery Widget Pro v1.0.2 APK
Talking Battery Widget by FXRLabs is the only fully animated, fully customizable, talking battery widget on Google Play. This application works as both a widget and a standard application giving you the ultimate flexibility.
Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012
Android Game : Download Total Recall v1.0.7 APK
Plunge into fast-paced, First Person Shooter action that follows the same mind-bending storyline as the new Sony Pictures’ sci-fi thriller.
Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012
Android Game : Download Kairobotica v1.0.5 APK
In a galaxy not so far away, miscreants and monsters are wreaking havoc, and it's up to everyone's favorite mechanical mascot to dole out a heaping helping of bot-kicking justice! And he's bringing an army of his Kairobotic brethren to do it.
Android Game : Download Total Recall - The Game - Ep1 v1.0 APK
Discover the new Total Recall game that comes out of the original movie.
In the first episode of the game, Doug brings us through planet Mars. Help him discover the 10 hidden secrets to accomplish this first mission.
In the first episode of the game, Doug brings us through planet Mars. Help him discover the 10 hidden secrets to accomplish this first mission.
Kesehatan : Mengenali Penyebab, Pencegahan, Tanda Dan Gejala Varises

Bila di kaki Anda terlihat urat-urat halus menyembul di seputar betis belakang, bisa jadi Anda terkena kelainan yang disebut varises. Kelainan ini terjadi di pembuluh darah balik (vena) yang berfungsi mengangkut darah sisa metabolisme dari seluruh jaringan tubuh dan kembali ke jantung.
Varises menyebabkan sirkulasi darah menjadi tak lancar, karena terhambat di sekitar betis dan tungkai kaki saat menahan berat tubuh. Selain di bagian kaki, belakangan diketahui bahwa ternyata varises pun bisa terjadi di bagian lengan.
Info : Daftar PTN Kedinasan
Berikut adalah daftar perguruan tinggi kedinasan di Indonesia, disusun berdasarkan nama departemen/kementerian/LPND yang membawahi. Semua Peguruan Tinggi ini tentunya adalah Negeri karena langsung dibawah departemen Pemerintah. Beberapa menerapkan sistem ikatan dinas, dan dibiayai langsung oleh Negara.
Android Game : Download Ski Safari v1.1.2 APK
Ski Safari is where Animals, Avalanches and Action come together to create a new casual gameplay experience.
Belajar : Test Potensi Akademik, Mari Coba

SNMPTN dan Passing Grade SNMPTN : Test TPA ini dikirimkan teman ke email kami, terimakasih kepada yang telah mengirimkannya. Bila teka-teki yang sama ada di situs lain, kami mohon maaf, kami tidak bermaksud menjadi plagiat, tapi hanya karena tertarik mencoba menjawabnya untuk melegakan ketegangan selepas beraktivitas seharian, sekaligus mungkin ada diantara teman-teman juga yang tertarik mencoba memecahkannya.
Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012
Belajar : Kumpulan Materi Matematika SMA Kelas X-XII
Ringkasan materi matematika SMA terlengkap ini dapat anda dapatkan dengan mendownload pada beberapa link yang tersedia di bagian paling bawah. Untuk cara mendownloadnya tinggal klik saja pada judul materi yang diinginkan.
Android Game : Download Invasion USA - Premium v1.1.0 APK
The Aliens have arrived! And all they want is your corn! Defend your fields with the old corn chopper and tinkered arsenal to spoil the blue men’s appetite for popcorn! Make Redneck Pops proud and welcome your new friends from outer space… the Texan way!
Android Game : Download Pirate Mysteries v1.09 APK
Explore exotic lands while trying to save your demon possessed father in this fun and humorous hidden object game! Meet unique characters, solve ancient riddles and journey through an adventure that stretches from the shores of the Atlantic to the darkest corners in the Land of the Dead!
Android Game : Download Sprinkle v1.7.2 APK
Using a water cannon mounted on a crane, players must adjust the height and angle of the cannon to fight fires, move obstacles, spin wheels and activate traps in this challenging water-physics based puzzler! But squirt carefully as you will run out of water and the less water you use, the more drops you earn!
Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012
Android Game : Download Athletics - Summer Sports v1.2 APK
Now, the sport, it's on your phone !
Practice olympic sports in a realistic 3D environment through 30 events and 5 competitions !
Challenge the computer or play against friends to beat records all around the world !
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